Company News

About La Pilarica

June 11, 2024

La Pilarica, one of the gems of our portfolio, is a 420-hectare property that we have been operating since 2018 in Soriano, southwestern Uruguay, within 110 km of the port of Nueva Palmira. 🌾

We have built there a regenerative beef cattle operation using adaptive multi-paddock grazing to produce sustainable grass-fed beef in rotation with rainfed crops on the most fertile soils of our portfolio.🐮

The Land Group

Sunset at La Pilarica
Susnet at La Pilarica
Mariano and his work horse
Hereford steers
Federico inspecting freshly grown pastures
Sunset at La Pilarica
Susnet at La Pilarica
Mariano and his work horse
Hereford steers
Federico inspecting freshly grown pastures
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