

We build a sustainable agricultural system that places soil regeneration, animal welfare, natural resources conservation, water system resilience, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and rural employment opportunities at the centre of our livestock/crop operation.


ha of

regenerative grazing


ha of

grass fed cattle


ha of

conservation areas

9.6 M

m3 rainwater

storage capacity

Healthy living soils
Microbial diversity
Nutrient density
Robust crop growth
Increased soil carbon
Resilient farmland
Improved soil structure
Meaningful employment
Natural animal behaviours
Durable water resources
Preserved local ecosystems
Enhanced social well-being
Reduced carbon footprint
Healthy living soils
Microbial diversity
Nutrient density
Robust crop growth
Increased soil carbon
Resilient farmland
Improved soil structure
Meaningful employment
Natural animal behaviours
Durable water resources
Preserved local ecosystems
Enhanced social well-being
Reduced carbon footprint
<svg width="84" height="60" viewBox="0 0 84 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M1.49316 14.7737H83.3505" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M1.49316 37.7166H83.3505" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M1.49316 1H83.3505" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M1 59.0002L9.91324 38.1246" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M17.752 58.998L26.8123 37.7881" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M34.5117 59.0008L43.6991 37.49" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M51.2637 59.0002L60.3909 37.6432" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M68.0098 59.0003L77.137 37.6299" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M9.66721 25.0248C11.473 25.0248 12.937 23.5609 12.937 21.7551C12.937 19.9493 11.473 18.4854 9.66721 18.4854C7.86138 18.4854 6.39746 19.9493 6.39746 21.7551C6.39746 23.5609 7.86138 25.0248 9.66721 25.0248Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M20.5529 32.1602C21.9746 32.1602 23.1272 31.0076 23.1272 29.5858C23.1272 28.164 21.9746 27.0115 20.5529 27.0115C19.1311 27.0115 17.9785 28.164 17.9785 29.5858C17.9785 31.0076 19.1311 32.1602 20.5529 32.1602Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M31.4382 23.4732C32.3873 23.4732 33.1566 22.7038 33.1566 21.7547C33.1566 20.8056 32.3873 20.0363 31.4382 20.0363C30.4891 20.0363 29.7197 20.8056 29.7197 21.7547C29.7197 22.7038 30.4891 23.4732 31.4382 23.4732Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M64.0905 31.1497C65.0396 31.1497 65.809 30.3803 65.809 29.4312C65.809 28.4821 65.0396 27.7128 64.0905 27.7128C63.1414 27.7128 62.3721 28.4821 62.3721 29.4312C62.3721 30.3803 63.1414 31.1497 64.0905 31.1497Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M46.0653 29.953C46.0653 32.0192 44.387 33.6975 42.3208 33.6975C40.2547 33.6975 38.583 32.0192 38.583 29.953C38.583 27.8868 40.2547 26.2085 42.3208 26.2085C44.387 26.2085 46.0653 27.8868 46.0653 29.953Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M53.2052 23.9489C54.627 23.9489 55.7795 22.7963 55.7795 21.3745C55.7795 19.9527 54.627 18.8002 53.2052 18.8002C51.7834 18.8002 50.6309 19.9527 50.6309 21.3745C50.6309 22.7963 51.7834 23.9489 53.2052 23.9489Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M74.9803 24.657C76.1436 24.657 77.0866 23.714 77.0866 22.5507C77.0866 21.3875 76.1436 20.4445 74.9803 20.4445C73.817 20.4445 72.874 21.3875 72.874 22.5507C72.874 23.714 73.817 24.657 74.9803 24.657Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> </svg>


We strive to build well-structured, healthy, living soils rich in nutrient density, microbial diversity, and soil organic carbon  to improve our farmland’s long-term fertility and resilience.

We do so by systematically applying proven regenerative agriculture practices such as adaptive grazing, diversifying crops, preserving ground cover, minimising soil disturbance, reducing synthetic pesticide and fertiliser use, and monitoring soil health regularly.

<svg width="151" height="60" viewBox="0 0 151 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M103.566 19.1822L106.718 26.0525H112.789C114.89 26.0525 116.601 24.3475 116.601 22.2399V4.81261C116.601 2.71127 114.896 1 112.789 1H36.6499C33.1204 1 30.2578 3.8626 30.2578 7.3921V25.9141" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M99.7005 23.052V54.981H92.9686L90.8232 46.1038" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M60.6053 40.3781V54.9805H53.8798L52.4453 47.9655" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M87.1007 31.9283V54.9801H80.3689L74.9268 30.6385H54.165" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M41.9967 1C40.254 1 38.8447 2.40928 38.8447 4.15201V54.9805H45.8597L52.8746 36.9367" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M54.0322 41.7933C61.3806 41.7933 67.6532 37.1817 70.1068 30.689" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M108.86 9.70085C109.711 9.70085 110.401 9.01074 110.401 8.15944C110.401 7.30815 109.711 6.61804 108.86 6.61804C108.008 6.61804 107.318 7.30815 107.318 8.15944C107.318 9.01074 108.008 9.70085 108.86 9.70085Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M100.992 1.14502L92.543 5.86989C92.543 5.86989 95.9781 10.3116 102.282 7.87686" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M27.8154 28.4811C27.8154 29.903 28.9668 34.8103 30.3949 34.8103C31.8231 34.8103 32.9744 29.9093 32.9744 28.4811C32.9744 27.0529 31.8231 25.9016 30.3949 25.9016C28.9668 25.9016 27.8154 27.0529 27.8154 28.4811Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M11.4131 41.9447H38.6487" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M100.255 44.9712H150.825" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M0 58.6797H125.105" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> </svg>


We are committed to the ethical, humane treatment of animals across our operations.

We provide open-range, grass-fed conditions for livestock year-round, manage stocking rates rigorously to provide ample space for natural behaviours, and supply clean water and a balanced diet tailored to our beef cattle's breed, age, and health.

We follow rigorous ethical veterinary standards, carrying out regular health checks, vaccinations, and prompt treatment of illnesses and injuries. We don't use any growth-promotion hormones and enforce our livestock's humane handling and transport.

<svg width="33" height="60" viewBox="0 0 33 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M16.1328 1.92773V58.6682" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel"/> <path d="M2.33925 30.5605C-1.92685 39.3639 4.45656 49.7141 15.0072 50.3637C15.3758 50.3858 15.7444 50.3991 16.1175 50.3991C16.4906 50.3991 16.8593 50.3858 17.2279 50.3637C27.7021 49.7185 34.1394 39.5407 30.1071 30.7151L16.1175 1.14062L2.33925 30.5605Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel"/> <path d="M16.4297 24.6075L23.6852 17.4746" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel"/> <path d="M16.375 38.971L28.2068 27.3789" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel"/> </svg>


We dedicate one-third of our portfolio area to conserving natural and water habitats and seek to create a sustainable, harmonious balance between our farming activities and their surrounding ecosystem.

We are undertaking a detailed inventory of our flora and fauna and carrying out various initiatives to preserve and improve local ecosystems (e.g., planting different species of native trees in "desperdicios"/unproductive areas and maintaining hedgerows, field margins, and other wildlife habitats).

<svg width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M58.1967 29.5843C58.1967 45.3817 45.3936 58.1849 29.5961 58.1849C13.7987 58.1849 1.00098 45.3817 1.00098 29.5843C1.00098 13.7868 13.3313 1.46735 28.7158 1" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M22.3633 32.1384C20.1298 36.8282 23.4719 42.3386 28.9931 42.6864C29.1833 42.6972 29.3789 42.7027 29.5746 42.7027C29.7702 42.7027 29.9658 42.6972 30.156 42.6864C35.6392 42.344 39.0085 36.9206 36.9 32.2254L29.5746 16.4714L22.3633 32.1384Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel"/> </svg>


We manage existing water resources responsibly, expanding capacity where possible to optimise yields, nutrient cycling, soil regeneration, and soil carbon sequestration.

Even though our properties have abundant natural water sources from streams and ground wells, we dedicate 2% of our land to collecting, storing, and distributing rainwater for livestock and crops.

We are investing systematically in sustainable water management, building new reservoirs at three properties, and developing distribution networks to supply high-quality water directly to paddocks across our livestock operations.

<svg width="61" height="60" viewBox="0 0 61 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M1.54492 26.4822H58.8748" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M12.7422 26.6749V16.6855" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M20.537 9.52539H23.8754C24.2285 9.52539 24.5141 9.81095 24.5141 10.164V13.5024C24.5141 17.8014 21.025 21.2904 16.7261 21.2904H13.3876C13.0346 21.2904 12.749 21.0049 12.749 20.6518V17.3134C12.749 13.0144 16.238 9.52539 20.537 9.52539Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M4.97803 9.52539H1.63959C1.28654 9.52539 1.00098 9.81095 1.00098 10.164V13.5024C1.00098 17.8014 4.48999 21.2904 8.78895 21.2904H12.1274C12.4804 21.2904 12.766 21.0049 12.766 20.6518V17.3134C12.766 13.0144 9.277 9.52539 4.97803 9.52539Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M17.1469 10.818C17.7752 7.93649 16.9704 4.81092 14.7327 2.57317L13.4554 1.29594C13.0608 0.901352 12.4274 0.901352 12.0328 1.29594L10.7556 2.57317C8.51786 4.81092 7.7131 7.93649 8.34133 10.818" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M47.582 26.6749V16.6855" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M55.3768 9.52539H58.7153C59.0683 9.52539 59.3539 9.81095 59.3539 10.164V13.5024C59.3539 17.8014 55.8649 21.2904 51.5659 21.2904H48.2275C47.8744 21.2904 47.5889 21.0049 47.5889 20.6518V17.3134C47.5889 13.0144 51.0779 9.52539 55.3768 9.52539Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M39.8189 9.52539H36.4804C36.1274 9.52539 35.8418 9.81095 35.8418 10.164V13.5024C35.8418 17.8014 39.3308 21.2904 43.6298 21.2904H46.9682C47.3213 21.2904 47.6068 21.0049 47.6068 20.6518V17.3134C47.6068 13.0144 44.1178 9.52539 39.8189 9.52539Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M51.9936 10.818C52.6218 7.93649 51.8171 4.81092 49.5793 2.57317L48.3021 1.29594C47.9075 0.901352 47.2741 0.901352 46.8795 1.29594L45.6023 2.57317C43.3645 4.81092 42.5598 7.93649 43.188 10.818" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M1.54492 58.8071H58.8748" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M12.7422 58.9999V49.0105" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M20.537 41.8453H23.8754C24.2285 41.8453 24.5141 42.1309 24.5141 42.484V45.8224C24.5141 50.1214 21.025 53.6104 16.7261 53.6104H13.3876C13.0346 53.6104 12.749 53.3248 12.749 52.9718V49.6333C12.749 45.3343 16.238 41.8453 20.537 41.8453Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M4.97803 41.8453H1.63959C1.28654 41.8453 1.00098 42.1309 1.00098 42.484V45.8224C1.00098 50.1214 4.48999 53.6104 8.78895 53.6104H12.1274C12.4804 53.6104 12.766 53.3248 12.766 52.9718V49.6333C12.766 45.3343 9.277 41.8453 4.97803 41.8453Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M17.1469 43.143C17.7752 40.2614 16.9704 37.1359 14.7327 34.8981L13.4554 33.6209C13.0608 33.2263 12.4274 33.2263 12.0328 33.6209L10.7556 34.8981C8.51786 37.1359 7.7131 40.2614 8.34133 43.143" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M47.582 58.9999V49.0105" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M55.3768 41.8453H58.7153C59.0683 41.8453 59.3539 42.1309 59.3539 42.484V45.8224C59.3539 50.1214 55.8649 53.6104 51.5659 53.6104H48.2275C47.8744 53.6104 47.5889 53.3248 47.5889 52.9718V49.6333C47.5889 45.3343 51.0779 41.8453 55.3768 41.8453Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M39.8189 41.8453H36.4804C36.1274 41.8453 35.8418 42.1309 35.8418 42.484V45.8224C35.8418 50.1214 39.3308 53.6104 43.6298 53.6104H46.9682C47.3213 53.6104 47.6068 53.3248 47.6068 52.9718V49.6333C47.6068 45.3343 44.1178 41.8453 39.8189 41.8453Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M51.9936 43.143C52.6218 40.2614 51.8171 37.1359 49.5793 34.8981L48.3021 33.6209C47.9075 33.2263 47.2741 33.2263 46.8795 33.6209L45.6023 34.8981C43.3645 37.1359 42.5598 40.2614 43.188 43.143" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> </svg>


Our farms in Uruguay all connect to a national grid, which boasts 98% renewable energy generation.

While our regenerative beef cattle grazing and forestry operations are inherently carbon-negative, we are addressing the carbon-positive nature of our row crops and rice activities.

For example, we are conducting a detailed evaluation of our net carbon footprint to guide us in reducing our emissions and commercialising high-quality carbon credits.

<svg width="53" height="60" viewBox="0 0 53 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M38.56 8.12451C42.2729 9.25833 44.2485 10.9031 44.2485 12.7328C44.2485 16.1586 36.0879 18.9323 26.0246 18.9323C15.9614 18.9323 7.7959 16.1586 7.7959 12.7328C7.7959 11.0345 10.1073 9.39459 13.358 8.27536" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M40.2688 12.7032C38.9063 6.02191 33.0425 1 26.0158 1C18.989 1 13.1252 6.02191 11.7627 12.7032" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M36.3077 17.5641C36.4829 18.3719 36.5754 19.2137 36.5754 20.075C36.5754 26.26 31.8503 31.277 26.0206 31.277C20.1909 31.277 15.4658 26.2648 15.4658 20.075C15.4658 19.2867 15.5437 18.5227 15.6897 17.7782" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M9.27252 36.7857L18.3042 34.338L26.0901 38.9512L34.1631 34.338L43.2239 36.7176C46.494 37.5789 49.151 39.9633 50.348 43.1263C50.8006 44.3137 51.0293 45.574 51.0293 46.8441V58.9999H1V47.5984C1 45.8417 1.41363 44.1045 2.20682 42.5375C3.64234 39.7054 6.20682 37.6178 9.27252 36.7857Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M18.2744 27.5688V34.474" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M10.7744 36.5414V58.8967" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M41.3643 36.5414V58.8967" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M34.1143 27.486V34.3959" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M24.7393 43.5496C24.7393 42.844 25.3135 42.2698 26.0191 42.2698C26.7247 42.2698 27.2989 42.844 27.2989 43.5496C27.2989 44.2552 26.7247 44.8294 26.0191 44.8294C25.3135 44.8294 24.7393 44.2552 24.7393 43.5496Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M24.7393 49.8416C24.7393 49.136 25.3135 48.5618 26.0191 48.5618C26.7247 48.5618 27.2989 49.136 27.2989 49.8416C27.2989 50.5472 26.7247 51.1214 26.0191 51.1214C25.3135 51.1214 24.7393 50.5472 24.7393 49.8416Z" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M35.7868 35.1115V46.7124C35.7868 49.2039 33.7673 51.2283 31.2709 51.2283H20.7551C18.2636 51.2283 16.2441 49.2088 16.2441 46.7124V35.1115" stroke="#032F36" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> </svg>

Rural Employment Opportunities

We believe in supporting the local workforce and fostering community engagement and development.

Our operations generate meaningful rural employment opportunities.

We provide our staff with fair and safe working conditions and on-the-job training.

Rural Employment Opportunities
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