

We offer investors a complete range of asset management & operating services, catering to all stages of the sustainable agriculture investment lifecycle.

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Farmland Sourcing

We use deep market knowledge and strong industry connections to source proprietary deals that match your investment and sustainability goals.

We screen investment opportunities rigorously, seeking mixed-use farmland assets rich in water resources, soil regeneration, and wildlife preservation potential.

All the properties we manage were sourced on a proprietary basis.

Farmland Sourcing
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Investment Execution

We oversee the entire investment process, from negotiation to closing.

We plan early in the process how to approach asset owners and secure favourable terms.

Once terms are agreed upon, we manage due diligence and coordinate the execution process with technical advisors, legal experts, and other service providers.

We draw on our experience to structure transactions, negotiate agreements, establish corporate entities, open accounts, and ensure prompt completion.

Investment Execution
<svg width="58" height="58" viewBox="0 0 58 58" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 14.5026C0 6.49127 6.49135 0 14.4986 0C22.5073 0 28.9986 6.49127 28.9986 14.5026C28.9986 15.1999 28.9485 15.8861 28.8537 16.557H16.5579V28.8596C15.9588 28.9446 15.3471 28.9934 14.7271 29.0031C15.3471 29.0122 15.9588 29.061 16.5579 29.1459V41.4423H28.8537C28.9498 42.1146 28.9986 42.8021 28.9986 43.5009C28.9986 51.508 22.5073 58 14.4986 58C6.49135 58 0 51.5115 0 43.5009C0 35.569 6.36874 29.1216 14.2701 29.0031C6.36874 28.8812 0 22.4338 0 14.5026ZM29.1463 41.4423C29.0502 42.1146 29.0014 42.8021 29.0014 43.5009C29.0014 51.508 35.4927 58 43.5 58C51.5087 58 58 51.508 58 43.5009C58 35.569 51.6313 29.1216 43.7285 29.0031C51.6313 28.8812 58 22.4373 58 14.5026C58 6.49127 51.5087 0 43.5 0C35.4927 0 29.0014 6.49127 29.0014 14.5026C29.0014 15.1999 29.0516 15.8861 29.1463 16.557H41.4435V28.8603C42.0412 28.9453 42.6515 28.9934 43.2715 29.0031C42.6515 29.0122 42.0412 29.0603 41.4435 29.1453V41.4423H29.1463Z" fill="#032F36"/> </svg>

Baselining & Planning

We start every engagement with thorough baselining and planning to facilitate a seamless transition and reorganisation of farm activities.

This includes collecting and analysing historical data such as operational and financial metrics, geographic references, satellite imagery, and ground samples.

We conduct comprehensive inventories of soil, water, and agricultural infrastructure and craft a detailed five-year business plan with production budgets and a capital investment blueprint.

Baselining & Planning
<svg width="58" height="58" viewBox="0 0 58 58" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.6288 38.0977C10.1089 38.0977 1.57833 29.5703 1.57833 19.0473C1.57833 8.5243 10.1089 0 20.6288 0V13.4405C23.3909 6.32824 30.3017 1.28676 38.3904 1.28676C48.9103 1.28676 57.4378 9.81419 57.4378 20.3341H42.6869C51.2678 22.1855 57.6976 29.818 57.6976 38.9528C57.6976 49.4727 49.1702 58.0002 38.6503 58.0002V41.4849C37.1573 50.5153 29.3127 57.4017 19.859 57.4017C9.33916 57.4017 0.808594 48.8743 0.808594 38.3544H38.6503V20.3341H20.6288V38.0977Z" fill="#032F36"/> </svg>

Production & Commercial Management

We manage acquired properties as if they are our own while adhering closely to the parameters of our non-discretionary mandates.

Using insights from baselining and planning, we improve production and commercial management practices, driving up operating efficiency and economic returns and ultimately enhancing your investment’s value.

Production & Commercial Management
<svg width="79" height="78" viewBox="0 0 79 78" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M73.7964 38.9999V56.1477C64.3252 56.1477 56.6501 63.8263 56.6501 73.2954H39.501C39.501 54.3544 54.8569 38.9999 73.7964 38.9999Z" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M5.20508 38.9999V56.1477C14.6763 56.1477 22.3514 63.8263 22.3514 73.2954H39.5005C39.5005 54.3544 24.1446 38.9999 5.20508 38.9999Z" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M73.7964 4.7045V21.8522C64.3252 21.8522 56.6501 29.5309 56.6501 38.9999H39.501C39.501 20.0589 54.8569 4.7045 73.7964 4.7045Z" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M5.20508 4.7045V21.8522C14.6763 21.8522 22.3514 29.5309 22.3514 38.9999H39.5005C39.5005 20.0589 24.1446 4.7045 5.20508 4.7045Z" fill="#032F36"/> </svg>

Soil & Water Management

We employ proven regenerative agriculture practices such as multiple paddock adaptive grazing, crop diversification, reduced tillage, cover crop planting and soil erosion prevention to build healthy, nutrient-rich living soils.

We also manage water resources sustainably, building storage, distribution, and irrigation infrastructure where possible.

These agriculture practices ensure our farmland assets' environmental sustainability and long-term productivity, enhancing their overall value.

Soil & Water Management
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farm Infrastructure Management

We maintain and upgrade infrastructure assets consistently, from livestock facilities to irrigation systems, ensuring their long term integrity and productivity.

This systematic management enhances operating efficiency and investment returns, significantly increasing investment value.

farm Infrastructure Management
<svg width="60" height="58" viewBox="0 0 60 58" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M36.602 28.5538C49.5712 25.5268 59.2329 13.8907 59.2329 0H0.591916C0.591916 13.8907 10.2537 25.5268 23.2229 28.5538H0.214844V58H59.4497V28.5538H36.602Z" fill="#032F36"/> </svg>

Agricultural Tenant Oversight

We monitor tenants closely to uphold contractual obligations, including compliance with approved agricultural land use plans.

We leverage due diligence insights to improve outstanding lease agreements and, when terminated, procure new creditworthy tenants, managing the entire process and ensuring that contractual terms are watertight.

Agricultural Tenant Oversight
<svg width="58" height="58" viewBox="0 0 58 58" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M0 29.0004C0 25.1816 3.09761 22.084 6.9164 22.084C10.7352 22.084 13.8328 25.1816 13.8328 29.0004C13.8328 32.8192 10.7352 35.9168 6.9164 35.9168C3.09761 35.9168 0 32.8224 0 29.0004Z" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M44.168 29.0004C44.168 25.1816 47.2656 22.084 51.0844 22.084C54.9032 22.084 58.0008 25.1816 58.0008 29.0004C58.0008 32.8192 54.9032 35.9168 51.0844 35.9168C47.2656 35.9168 44.168 32.8192 44.168 29.0004Z" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M29.0004 58.0006C25.1784 58.0006 22.084 54.903 22.084 51.0842C22.084 47.2654 25.1816 44.1678 29.0004 44.1678C32.8192 44.1678 35.9168 47.2654 35.9168 51.0842C35.9168 54.903 32.8192 58.0006 29.0004 58.0006Z" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M29.0004 13.836C25.1784 13.836 22.084 10.7384 22.084 6.91958C22.084 3.10078 25.1816 0 29.0004 0C32.8192 0 35.9168 3.09761 35.9168 6.9164C35.9168 10.7352 32.8192 13.8328 29.0004 13.8328" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M49.5067 49.5081C46.8062 52.2086 42.4251 52.2086 39.7246 49.5081C37.0241 46.8076 37.0241 42.4265 39.7246 39.726C42.4251 37.0256 46.8062 37.0256 49.5067 39.726C52.2071 42.4265 52.2071 46.8076 49.5067 49.5081Z" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M18.2762 18.2775C15.5757 20.978 11.1946 20.978 8.49411 18.2775C5.79363 15.5771 5.79363 11.1959 8.49411 8.49545C11.1946 5.79497 15.5757 5.79497 18.2762 8.49545C20.9767 11.1959 20.9767 15.5771 18.2762 18.2775Z" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M8.49411 49.5081C5.79363 46.8076 5.79363 42.4265 8.49411 39.726C11.1946 37.0256 15.5757 37.0256 18.2762 39.726C20.9767 42.4265 20.9767 46.8076 18.2762 49.5081C15.5757 52.2086 11.1946 52.2086 8.49411 49.5081Z" fill="#032F36"/> <path d="M39.7246 18.2775C37.0241 15.5771 37.0241 11.1959 39.7246 8.49545C42.4251 5.79497 46.8062 5.79497 49.5067 8.49545C52.2071 11.1959 52.2071 15.5771 49.5067 18.2775C46.8062 20.978 42.4251 20.978 39.7246 18.2775Z" fill="#032F36"/> </svg>

Administrative Services

We take care of all administrative aspects of investments, from managing bank accounts and service providers to dealing with local government authorities, ensuring regulatory compliance, and overseeing all associated contracts and communications.

Administrative Services
<svg width="69" height="58" viewBox="0 0 69 58" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1208_2835)"> <path d="M69 0C49.9439 0 34.5 15.4886 34.5 34.5913C34.5 15.4886 19.0561 0 0 0C0 9.91996 4.17016 18.8532 10.8402 25.1628C7.43164 24.0325 3.78934 23.4125 0 23.4125C0 42.519 15.4477 58.0038 34.5 58.0038C34.5 48.0876 30.3298 39.1506 23.6598 32.841C27.0684 33.9713 30.7107 34.5913 34.5 34.5913C38.2893 34.5913 41.9279 33.9713 45.3402 32.841C38.6702 39.1468 34.5 48.0838 34.5 58.0038C53.5523 58.0038 69 42.519 69 23.4125C65.2107 23.4125 61.5721 24.0325 58.1598 25.1628C64.8298 18.857 69 9.91996 69 0Z" fill="#032F36"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1208_2835"> <rect width="69" height="58" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Investor Relationship Management

We nurture strong investor relationships built on closeness, transparency, and trust.

Through regular reporting and informal updates, we keep our clkients informed about their investments' operational, financial, and environmental aspects, inviting their input on significant decisions, and promptly addressing enquiries.

Investor Relationship Management
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Farmland Disposal

We handle the disposal of mature investments, using market knowledge and industry connections to attract local and international buyers and secure optimal terms.

Farmland Disposal
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