Managing the effects of a prolonged drought at Yacyretá
Managing the effects of a prolonged drought at Yacyretá
10 November 2023
Spring is usually a time of renewal and growth. But we continue to face a prolonged drought at our Yacyretá cattle farm in the Chaco area in North-eastern Paraguay even as we transition into an El Niño phase, typically bringing wetter conditions. The region has seen only 7% of its average historical rainfall from May to the end of October, which poses significant challenges for our 20,000-hectare operation.
To reduce the impact of this drought on our cattle operation, our team has adopted a conservative grazing strategy that seeks to optimise the use of last autumn's forage by carefully allocating different herd categories to various parts of the property. Pregnant cows, culled cows, and heifers have thus been grazing in the forest area, complementing their diet with tender branches and berries from bushes to meet their metabolic needs. Meanwhile, reproduction and fattening bulls, young steers, and pregnant heifers are grazing on the deferred pastures in the developed area of the farm, where we have implemented a rotational grazing system to prevent overgrazing.
All the categories have access to protein-mineral blocks placed near water troughs in each paddock to meet their nutritional requirements. Additionally, specific individuals showing signs of undernutrition are identified, separated, and supplied with haybales, while low-weight calves are given a specially formulated balanced feed to meet their nutritional requirements.
As a result of our team's meticulous management, we have witnessed a significant reduction in the average mortality rate, proving the adaptability, resilience and effectiveness of our grazing and cattle management approach.
The Land Group