Industry News

"Crazy policies and climate change are hurting Latin American agriculture" (The Economist, 5 April 2023)

April 12, 2023

Crazy policies and climate change are hurting Latin American agriculture

12 April 2023

This article, published in The Economist on April 5th, explores how climate change impacts agriculture in Latin America and how this could have negative consequences for small farmers and global food supplies. While the region's agricultural production growth is projected to decrease by five percentage points by 2050 due to climate change, the temperate southern cone of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay may become more hospitable for crops such as soybeans and rice. However, Argentina's farm policies pose significant obstacles to taking advantage of this opportunity.

Unmentioned in the article is how Uruguay should benefit from this situation as it offers a distinctively welcoming macro-economic, political, and business environment in sharp contrast with its towering neighbour.

Read the full article on The Economist website (subscribers only).

The Land Group

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