Research & Insights

Vegetation management at Villa Lucero

September 29, 2023

Vegetation management at Villa Lucero

28 September 2023

We are planning a controlled clean-up of vegetation in certain areas of Villa Lucero, our 9,000-hectare property in Tacuarembó, to create a more efficient pastoral environment for our cattle.

The responsible cleaning of lower, poorly drained areas, which would otherwise remain colonised by invasive species of weeds and shrubs, presents many benefits for Villa Lucero.

Firstly, a well-managed cleaning will significantly increase the availability and quality of forage in currently low-productivity areas. Indeed, the elimination of weeds and selective removal of certain shrubs will create more space for the growth of quality pasture, which will translate into higher meat yield per hectare, and will make the grass more nutritious, thereby improving our cattle's diet.

Higher volumes and quality of pastures will allow our team to carry out more efficient regenerative grazing practices that will ultimately improve the quality of soils and promote further carbon sequestration at our property.  

This cleaning will also promote biodiversity by keeping in check the proliferation of invasive species, encouraging the growth of specific high-value species, and creating additional shaded areas that benefit wildlife and cattle welfare.

Our team will carry out this task progressively over the next few months. They will initially focus on creating alleys to improve cattle circulation and subdividing the area into smaller paddocks to streamline cattle management before carefully cleaning shrubs in higher-density areas.

We look forward to measuring this initiative's impact on our operation's profitability and sustainability.

The Land Group

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