Company News

Advancing sustainable farming across Uruguay: a mixed crop/cattle model

September 21, 2023

Advancing sustainable farming across Uruguay: a mixed crop/cattle model

21 September 2023

We continuously seek to pursue operational excellence across our eight-farm portfolio in Uruguay.

Recently, we have focused on transforming the once unsustainable single-crop business model of El Tauro, Cabatir, La Pilarica, and El Totoral — inherited from prior owners — into a more resilient mixed crop/cattle rotation system. This transition involved converting previously depleted crop soils into fertile pastures, primarily Alfalfa, and segmenting them into paddocks that support a highly streamlined intensive fattening operation, producing steers and heifers ready for EU Quota 481 or local slaughterhouses.

Installing a sophisticated water distribution network channelling water directly to individual paddocks is central to this shift. Doing so not only bolsters animal health but also optimises weight gain. Our progress is evident at El Tauro and Cabatir, where we are addressing the fifth of six blocks, and at La Pilarica, where we are nearing the completion of its first block. El Totoral is on our agenda for the new year.

This work underscores our commitment to delivering the best possible results for our investors, as we always seek to create value by implementing more efficient and sustainable practices across our portfolio. We are proud to be at the forefront of soil regeneration in Uruguay and look forward to continuing to drive sustainable investment returns for our clients.

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